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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  October 16, 2012 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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hello, everyone, topping the agenda, the pivot point in the race. the countdown is on to the showdown at hofstra. mitt romney's path may be getting traction. tonight's debate may be the most critical moment for president obama. just hours from now, the president and governor will face off for round two, a town hall meeting before an audience of uncommitted voters at new york's hofstra university. the president departs virginia for the big apple this hour. tonight is high stakes for the incumbent amplified by reports that states like ohio and pennsylvania could be ripe for a romney ticket. >> they hear all the gloom and doom talk, they hear about how
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poorly the president did in the first debate. and i think even the president will admit he did poorly in the first debate. but to hear how the sky is falling when that's what you you heard throughout the fall of 2007, that he was terrible at debates, is history going to repeat itself again tonight? ? i thi >> i think you'll see a strong debate performance from the president. he'll be strong, passionate, energetic. >> no r for romney, the goal is repeat performance convincing voters he's likeable and the one for the next four years. >> you walk in front of the jury at closing argument and you don't have a few good facts on your side, you'll have perry mason as your lawyer, you're losing the case. >> two things are certain, obama needs to be a fighter and romney has a fighting chance. >> i don't know how many times people have used this cliché, but can romney begin to close a deal tonight?
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>> this is one of the biggest debates given the dynamics of this race i think probably since 1980. >> let's bring in our debate tuesday political power panel, jonathan capehart, carolyn finney, and john braidbernd. it's debate. you're looking forward to this. exactly. john, we'll tart with you. 21 days to go and there are signs that team obama perhaps facing some real challenges both ann romney and the first lady talked about the stakes for tonight. let's watch. >> mitt's prepared. mitt's confident. mitt's got the a good presence about him. and mitt's running because he believes in america. >> does he look at for you encouragement? >> you know, i can never tell.
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but i'm always primed just in case he is. so i'm perched, i'm looking at him, i'm smile, i'm giving a thumbs up if he can see it. >> so, john, the question is, to reverse the momentum right now, what does the president need to do tonight, a knock skrout punch or medium performance? >> i think he's in a lot of trouble quite frankly because we're seeing a lot of the mid western states all of a sudden moving towards romney. states like pennsylvania that weren't even in play. so it puts the president in a position that he really has to hit a home run. and that's very hard to walk into a town hall debate format and accomplish that type of thing. i think that he does have to knock it out of the park p. i think it's a tough thing for him to do because romney is a strong debater and i expect another strong romney performance. >> first read makes this point about tonight, they were saying that tonight is all about suburban women and it's been obama's democratic firewall over time. and romney has made progress with them on his favorite
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ability rating and on handling the economy, but not on ballot tests. now, tonight will tell us whether he continues to make progress. what's your thought here, does obama need to bring in women's issues earlier and more prominently in the debate? >> i think he does. and i wrote for today that this is an area where frankly i think the reason you've seen romney do a little better in the polls is because these issues didn't come up in the first debate. what you'll see and usa gallup had an interesting poll yesterday that showed just how important for example the issue of choice and access to contraception is for women voters. 31% of women say birth control is an important issue for them. about 40% of women say the abortion issue is one that -- it is a top voting issue. so i think that lead will evaporate or any perceived lead will evaporate for romney once he mass to try to explain where he stands. blaurly remember last week he created a new vulnerability because he had that i'm not
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aware of any legislation and then his own campaign team had to walk that back so quickly. >> other pieces of advice perhaps if tonight, eugene robinson gave the president a few pieces of his thoughts.toni robinson gave the president a few pieces of his thoughts. he says no looking down at the podium. even to take notes. if necessary, aides should confiscate any writing implements before the president takes the stage. he can look at romney, at the moderate to have, at t moderato moderator, anywhere but down. >> and the advice he gives is a good one. that was the first thing i noticed during the first debate as mitt romney was speaking, the president was looking down at the podium and i remember saying he needs to look up. he needs to be aware and pay attention. i think the president tonight, the number one thing he has to do is to fight. he cannot let misstatements,
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mischaracterizations and outright lies from mitt romney to go unanswered. and if there was anything that was unnerving to either people who are maybe leaning towards the president and most certainly to supporters of the president, it was to see him basically lying back and not fight back against a mitt romney who was primed and ready for that debate p. and i think we'll see that tonight. >> and i think both sides, no matter who you supported in that debate, you were surprised by the president's performance in that last debate. karen, both of these candidates have had rough moments in the past in town hall settings. they're not easy. here's one of president obama's from 2010. >> i'm one of your middle class americans. and quite frankly, i'm exhausted. i'm exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that i voted for. and deeply disappointed with where we are right now. >> if you're advising your friends here in the obama
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campaign, you've got a couple, what do you tell them, focus on tone and attack or more on body language and facial skregss? >> i think both. you have to focus on the person asking the question and make sure you treat that person with respect. pay attention to what they're asking. and i think remember the audience at home will watch that person to see are they satisfied with the answer that they receive and how are they treated. secondly, get your answer in, but then pivot to your message. as jonathan pointed out, he cannot let these lies and sort of misstatements, if you will, go unanswered. >> john, romney has had stumbles of miss own in town hall meet g meetings. and here is one from the primary season.hmiss own in town hall meetings. and here is one from the primary season.iss own in town hall meetings. and here is one from the primary season. own in town hall meetings. and here is one from the primary season. >> i like being able to fire people and -- provide services, excuse me. if someone doesn't give me between services i need, i'll go get somebody else. >> perhaps an ouch moment there. has romney in the numerous town
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halls he's done in the primary and now general season, has he honed his town hall skills now to a better art? >> i will tell you this, having done the campaign against him with rick santorum, i got to see him close up in 20 debates and he improved dramatically from debate one to debate 20. in fact i would argue that he's better than the president today because having gone through and debated rick santorum and newt beginning sgrich. what he's also learned is to be more personable, and tell a narrative, not just feel like he's answering the questioner. this is about having a rapport with the people watching, having them believe and respect you. and he's become much better at that. >> you do not expect an oops moment? >> i don't think so from either one of them. they're very smart. they are vee skiry skilled. what's going to be interesting is the first two debates, the narrative afterwards was all about body language. people will watch that very closely tonight. and i think that's going to be
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the discussion tomorrow, as well. >> jonathan, hillary clinton took responsibility for the attack in benghazi last night. that happened -- listen to what was said. >> i take responsibility. i'm in charge of the state accident. 60,000 plus people all over the world, 275 posts. the president and the vice president certainly wouldn't be knowledgeable about specific decisions that are made by security professionals. >> so the romney campaign, some expected to bring up this point during tonight's debate. with this said, do you think that this blunts any impending criticism or whethill romney co out and say secretary clinton is being thrown under the bus? >> if she's been thrown under the bus, she's done it herself. i do think it blunts some of the criticism that is wound is boun president's way. there are legitimate questions about what happened, but secretary clinton took responsibility.
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everybody before then, is he set up a task force to investigate what exactly happened there because there are questions that need to be answered. and i think the administration has been acting responsibly in trying to get to the bottom of exactly what happened and not running out there giving false statements and jumping ahead of themselves when they don't have all the facts. now, folks can quibble with what the administration said, but i do take the administration at its word that it said we were giving the american people the information that we had when we had that information. and so when you have foreign incidents like this, it's always -- we always have to be mindful that the narrative changes, not out of anything malicious, but as information comes in, that's what's been given out. >> richard, the president also might want to just remind the audience that it was mitt romney himself in that infamous tape to
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supporters in boca raton where he talked about the does his pair ranlging comments to the 47% that he also said if a foreign policy crisis were to a rise, he would try to exploit it. >> our power panel, thank you so much for your time today. it is a no doze day for folks like you. thanks a lot. as we mentioned, tonight's format whether be a town hall style debate. 80 uncommitted voters will participate with some alternates on hand. the voters all live near hofstra university on long island where the debate is taking place. candy crowley will select who gets to ask their first question. candidates get two minutes to answer. candidates have been fiercely preparing for days. peter al lebs exander is at hof. how whethl will it work out? >> 90 more minutes of both men on the debate stage speaking to more than 80 undecided voters.
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right now they are said to be gathering with candy crowley in a private location rehearsing effectively what will happen tonight. to give you a sense of the meticulous detail, during that rehearsal process, they will be using dummy questions so as to not to ruin the element of surprise in a comes with each question that the candidate whether hewill hear this evening. the president whether be on the right, mitt romney on the left. the president will be introduced first. then mitt romney will be introduced. this is all because of a coin toss. another coin toss determined who speaks first before the first question will go to mitt romney, the second to the president. and just a little bit more of that detail that we've learned about how this all plays out, when the questions are asked, as soon as the question is completed, the mike will be turned off for the questioner so there is no back and forth between the questioner
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candidate. another way they control everything that will happen. >> always that surprise question that they're concerned about there. peter alexander following that for us out in front of hofstra university. thank you so much. just minutes from now, the president will head from williamsburg, virginia en route to new york for tonight's debate. he'll do a walk-through of the site. kristen welker has more on the president's preparations. >> reporter: president obama whether spend some time with his debate prep team here in williamsburg, virginia before heading off to new york this afternoon. once he arrives in new york, he will do a walk-through of the event site. and then he'll have some down time before tonight's debate begins. campaign aides say he is feeling energized and prepared for tonight's debate, but he also also knows that he has to deliver a more aggressive performance than that lackluster first debate. in fact sources close to the campaign say it is likely president obama will reference
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mitt romney's 47% comments. of course president obama did not reference those comments during the first debate and it's an omission that angered some of his supporters. the president also has to walk a fine line, though, because this is a town hall debate. so aides say he will be firm, but he will also be respectful. now, in what some will see as a sign of anxiety, the obama campaign is pushing back against the latest gallup poll which shows mitt romney and president obama tied among women in key battleground states. the obama campaign arguing that the gallup poll's methodology is flawed. gallup is standing by its poll. the latest nbc news wall street journal poll shows president obama with a double digit lead among women in ohio, virginia, and florida. a lot riding on this evening. richard. >> thank you so much. kristen welker. special prime time debate coverage starts at 8:00 p.m. right here on msnbc. stick around for that. and the battle for the buckeye
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state is on. president obama no longer with a double digit margin over romney in ohio. and there are reports that sdms are nervous about keeping that key state in his column. former ohio governor ted strickland is next. and we want to hear from you. what would you ask the candidates at tonight's debate? tweet me and we'll share some of your responses later. [ male announcer ] your mouth is cleanest after the dentist.
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yeah! yes, today. it felt so good. >> first lady michelle obama firing them up in ohio yesterday urging voters to cast their w l ballots early, calling that process the secret weapon of her husband's campaign. after posing with her absentee ballot, the first lady sent this loving tweet to her commander in chief. hey, barack obama, i just dropped my absentee wall lot ba the mail. couldn't wait for election day. love you, mo. the pidea of president obama losing ohio could cause some democrats to fraek out. the consequences would be map changing. early on "morning joe," mark halperin talked about how the president's lack wlus ter performance in the first debate put ohio in play and gave mitt romney more ways to 270.
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>> if governor romney is able to win the three southern states of the nine toss ups, and ohio, he's not favored in ohio, but he's now got a position to win, that gets him to 266. if he can take ohio, and i talked to two democrats now who think it's possible that the president's position in ohio will erode to such an september that he could lose it, means all governor romney would need to do would be win one of those five toss ups in yellow and that's a huge change. that map gives governor romney the electoral college advantage that the president has long enjoyed. >> we'll get you to ohio in a second. joining me from the debate site is co-chair of the obama re-election campaign and ohio's democrat he can strickland. we'll get to ohio in a second, but let's talk about tonight. what is a win for the president? is it hitting hard on the 47%, bain, the tax return, trying to work towards romney's like
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ability? but he also has to really hit some specifics, doesn't he, on what he'll do in his second term. >> all of the above. i certainly hope he talks about the 347%. i hope he talks about the tax issue and the fact that mitt romney has yet on to release and reveal his income tax returns. but the president will also talk about the future and the fact that the country is now on the right track. we are creating jobs rather than losing jobs. as because the case when he took office. unemployment is down. and people are feeling much more optimistic about the future. and i think the president's going to do well tonight and the american people will understand that we can't go back, we need to move forward with this president. >> and part of that will be the energy driving him coming out of some of the recent polls. perhaps showing some of the challenges moving ahead. you've seen them. is there any truth to the reports of some fear within the democratic party in your state that the electoral map could be
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shifting as we just looked at if ohio goes the other way? >> i suppose could you find one or two democrats that would are fearful. aim very confident in ohio. the president has maintained a relatively small but consistent lead in ohio for months. and i never thought that he would win ohio by ten points or even eight points. but most of the recent polls show the race close, but the president has a five to six point lead in ohio, well outside the measurement error. and so i'm very confident that ohio will hang tough. and they're doing it because the president saved the american auto industry. manufacturing is coming back. and ohio is feeling more optimistic and more hopeful as is quite frankly much of the rest of the midwest. and because of that, this president's going to be reelected and ohio is going to
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lead the way. >> auto bailout plays well in certain regions of ohios as yo know. but what you're really saying here, that this would tighten, that the president really still is ahead in ohio. >> sure. >> in fact, in pennsylvania, there's a new quinnipiac poll that shows what was a 12 point lead for obama, now it's only four. some tightening there. so if the romney campaign is trying to pull some resources from pennsylvania to places like ohio and virginia, doesn't it stand to reason here it could be even closer in ohio, though? >> i don't think it is. show me the evidence. the fact is that ohioans have been for and with this president. and you talk about the auto industry being a regional issue. but we believe about 80 of 88 counties are in some way involved in the supply chain that enables these auto plants
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to really function. and that's what's important about this auto industry rescue. it has a broad sweep across all of ohio and michigan and indiana, but ohio particularly has benefitted from the auto have i and mitt romney said let this industry go bankrupt. and the president in the face of criticism stood up, did the right thing, the courageous thing and ohio is benefiting as a result and ohioans won't forget that. p. >> ohio, ohio, ohio. former governor ted strickland from that great state of ohio, thank you so much with the obama re-election campaign. >> it's a wonderful state. ross perot no longer one of the undecided voters. he announces his endorsement in a key battleground state. plus, remembering arlen specter. the vice president and other dignitaries say a final fair well to pennsylvania's longest serving senator. with the spark miles card from capital one,
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coming up for you, round two, make or break depetition. and how the town hall format could impact the candidates' performance. plus paul ryan's soup kitchen p photo-op. why the head of a local ohio charity is not so happy. details ahead. why the head of a charity is not so happy. details ahead. ah. fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. # [ male announcer ] how do you trade?
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let's bring in john harwood. john, so in 2008, president obama won those groups that romney is now doing well with. the latest data shows the president kept his double digit lead among women. do we see a tighter margin? the president's support is sky high among african-americans, latinos he's up by more than 60 points. and the numbers are good, but at this point, are they enough to win is what the obama campaign is wondering. >> well, the obama campaign could still lose it. mitt romney is very close to them in battleground states. but at this moment when you look at the electoral map to get to 12 270, romney is not where he needs to be. he is doing better than john mccain with some of the key groups, but he has to do a lot
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better. other thing worth noting is that mitt romney needs to win white voters by somewhere in excess of 60%. w why? because as i said, he has to do better than mccain, but white voters will be smaller this time. we've seen in every election over the last generation, white voters have slung as a proportion of the electoral. and in those nonwhite voters, president obama has a huge advantage. so one of the questions will be how much is the relative turnout. do nonwhite voters continue to increase significantly, that puts a lot of pressure on romney to really dominate white voters. >> and looking at some of the latest national numbers, 2008 exit poll williinpolling, romnes
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john mccain men, mid westerners when matched with obama. romney runs into a problem, though, if these demographics are right, in red states specifically. he needs the swing states. >> one of the challenges of going from national polls to state polls is figuring out how much vote are either of these guys wasting in states that we already know they'll win. in other words, how much of a surplus vote does mitt romney have in idaho and utah and mississippi and alabama. states where he'll win easily. by the same token, the president is ahead by a large margin in california and new york. that's why we look so closely at those eight or nine battleground states and what we see is it's close generally speaking across the board, but the president has advantages in some places that he would like to hold like new hampshire, like nevada, like iowa. mitt romney's has the opportunity to break through in
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florida, colorado, north carolina. but he has that couple that with big chunks of electoral votes like virginia, ohio. that's the only way he can make the math work to get to 1270. >> great break down. john, thank you so much. and we were looking at video of mitt romney arriving in new york heading to hofstra university for the town hall debate tonight. we have that video for you here at msnbc. it started as a nerve-racking experiment, town hall debates. here's a look at the young tradition that started in 1992 by the numbers. first off, a zillion. the first moderator, carol simpson said the live tv experiment was so nerve-racking that what she did because she was so concerned about what people might say, she wrote down the candidates issues on a zillion three by five note cards. 80, the number of undecided voters chosen to submit questions ahead of crowley to c.
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69, 900,000, number of people who watched the 1992 town hall. it is time for the second most watched debate ever. that was with sarah palin and joe biden in 2008. 23, the number of town hall type meetings that governor romney has attended this election cycle. president obama has attended one in the same time. that was in july. two, the clock will be kicking. . candidates are supposed to finish their answers in just two minutes. joining me live, presidential historian alan schroeder, author of presidential debate, 50 years of high risk tv. all right. so i know you're looking forward to this tonight. the bar for obama specifically. higher tonight than it was when he faced john mccain at his last town hall style debate four
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years ago and obama had to prove he was presidential at that time. and he accomplished that. take a listen. >> senator mccain in the last debate and today again suggested that i don't understand. it's true. there are some things i don't understand. i don't understand how we ended up invading a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 while osama bin laden and al qaeda are setting up base camps and safe havens to train wrists to attack us. >> whether that style and tone work tonight, as well? >> well, you know,ic that's a great moment for obama from that 2008 debate. but he has a very different job to do tonight. one of the things he has to do is really try to undo some of the damage that was done in that first debate by his weak performance. i'll be interested to see whether he acknowledges that, whether he makes a joke out of what happened the first time or in some way attempt to get beyond that. >> do that and then move on. an important pivot there. some lessons to be learned from
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that same debate about that center mccain was criticized for wandering around the stage. also his aggressiveness came off to some as cranky. here's a little bit from then. >> it was sponsored by bush and cheney. do you know who voted for it? might never know p. that was one. >> that one. all right. is there a danger with president obama under pressure here to take on that sort of attitude? maybe becoming too overly aggressive? >> well, it's always a problem in the town hall format for the candidates to get overly aggressive with each other. they really need to listen to those questions, and if there's a way to frame a contrast with your opponent in the context of the question, then by all means do it. but just these kinds of gratuitous references like "that one" not a small thing to do. >> let's go back always further. 2000, al gore criticized for invading george w. bush's space in this memorable moment. >> it's not only what's your philosophy and your position on
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issues. but can you you get things done. and i believe i can. >> i can't help but laugh at that moment when george w. bush looks over and nods the head. have times changed? will you see them become get very close physically? >> well, there probably are restrictions built in just based on how the set is laid out. bill clinton was the master of walking up to the very edge of that set and getting right in the face of those town hall participants. that doesn't seem to be obama's style or romney's, either one. but i love that clip of gore. and the thing that's so devastating there is when the audience laughs at him, it's the worse possible thing that could have happened. >> that was funny. all right. a lot has been said about cnn's candy crowley being only the second woman here to moderate a presidential debate, yet not in a position to necessarily ask all the questions because of of course it's a town hall, the
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audience asks the questions. she said she won't be a wall flower here. what come do you make controversy? >> i think she ought to have as much free rein as she desires. they agreed to have her as the moderator. you at some point have to let go and let them do the job they were signed on to do. so i hope she goes with the moment, does what's right for the occasion and isn't too hung up on all of the rules. >> do you think it will be in the top five? >> sure, yeah. i think this could be, you know, one of the most widely watched because there's been so much momentum built up. these first two debates this cycle have drawn enormous audiences. >> it's a pivot point. we'll be watching along with you. alan schroeder, thanks for your time today. >> thanks. coming up, spraupreme court choice. how the presidential election could impact the supreme court and a woman's right to choose.
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we have republicans trying to redefine rape, trying to force women to undergo invasive you will are a sounds. >> if you think this election won't affect you and your life, think again. >> that's a new tchl v ad from the group featuring well-known actresses and targeting towards women voters. absent from the first presidential debate was talk of women and women's issues. will the president or mitt romney speak directly to women tonight? and what do women need to hear? joining me now is nancy ke chlt nan. thanks for being with us.
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as mentioned, women have been the president's firewall. romney appears to have made some gains according to one gallup poll which the obama campaign is pushing back on. our own polling showing that the lead is not so great, that the president still leads with women in swing states. it's a key voting group certainly for him and romney needs to make up ground on that according to these polls. so when you look at that, why then didn't these issues of women's issues, why aren't they brought up in the earlier parts of vice presidential debate and it was not brought up at all in the first presidential debate. >> whether or not it's brought up in a debate, the important thing is that president obama has stood for and defended a woman's right to choose. and mitt romney quite honestly has called for the overturning of roe vs. wade. and that is more extreme than george w. wubush. so when we think about the
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possibility of a supreme court vacancy, it's critical who sits in the oval office and who could ultimately make that decision and the court having a real say whether or not roe vs. wade is overturned. >> so you're fine if it's not brought up in tonight's town hall debate or the final presidential debate? >> i think it will be brought up, but again, it will be brought up in this debate so we can draw the contrast of who is protecting freedom and privacy, who does not. but i think the bigger issue is that on the campaign trail and as we are out there talking about this issue, there is only one candidate that is going to protect women's reproductive choice and their right to birth control and that's barack obama. >> we did hear about abortion in last week's vice presidential debate towards the end of that. let's listen. >> you want to ask why i'm pro-life? it's not simply because of my catholic faith. that's a factor of course. but it's also because of reason and science. >> life begins at conception.
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that he eat church's judgment. i accept it in my personal life. but i refuse to impose it on equally devoight christians and muslims and jews. i just refuse to impose that on others unlike my friend here, the congressman. >> ryan and by dozen expreiden their personal stories. if you hear similar responses tonight from the tops of the tick ticket, what do you think the reactions whether be from women who are following this issue? >> i think women will be very clear that the only choice in this election is barack obama and joe biden. if you notice ryan did not even mention women as though they were not part of the equation. that's unconscionable. and again, i go back to the record, president obama's record. women understand very clearly that mitt romney is not to be trusted and that you can trust barack obama and joe by dozen whby dozen when it comes to
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protecting our freedom and priva privacy. women absolutely understand what's at stake in this election. >> the nest president may have the you power to change the direction of the supreme court. romney has said here he'd like to see row v. wade overturned. is abortion one of those issues that is so personal to women it transcends party lines in the voting booth? >> absolutely. and you'll see that women no matter what their party that they are affiliated with will vote for the individual that will protect them. and that decision, that's between her family and her doctor. and quite honestly, mitt romney has called for the overturning of roe vs. wade which is more extreme than george w. bush. and so you can see how far right he has gone in this cycle. and again, he can't be trusted. he cannot be trusted with our freedom, with our privacy and allowing women to make this decision themselves.
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>> nancy keenan, thank you for your choice today. up next, soup to nuts. why the romney campaign's on on defense over this paul ryan photo-op at a soup kitchen. and a blast from the past for you. ross perot picks a side in the 2012 presidential race. we have details ahead in the poli side bar. [ female announcer ] ready for a taste of what's hot? check out the latest collection of snacks from lean cuisine. creamy spinach artichoke dip, crispy garlic chicken spring rolls. they're this season's must-have accessory. lean cuisine. be culinary chic. [ male announcer ] you start your day... love you, too. ...thinking about what's important to you -- your family... ...the mortgage... the kids' college tuition. [ cellphone ringing ] but life insurance? [ horn honking ]
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it's the main event, tonight's debate at hofstra university. we asked you what would you ask the candidates tonight. you tweeted us saying these two questions for romney, @lto brine wants to know how would you guarantee people with preixing conditions without the mandate that makes it possible. and this -- >> thank you all for your questions and comments.
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keep them coming roits richard lui. it's time for the poly side bar. congressman paul ryan is catching some heat for a visit to a soup kitchen in ohio this weekend. the president of the charity says the campaign, quote, ram-rodded their way in so ryan could get his picture taken while wash something dishes. they told "the washington post" -- well the ryan campaign responded saying -- former two-time independent presidential candidate ross perot a blast from the past there is wading into this presidential campaign. despite recently insisting he was not ready to pick a side. well, he's now ready. and he's throwing his support behind mitt romney. perot wrote an op-ed in today's
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"des moin "des moines register" saying quote -- former astronaut and senator john glenn is over the moon for president obama. he's featured in a new campaign ad airing in his home state of ohio. >> growing up in ohio you learn to size up a person by their character. and that's why i'm supporting president obama. >> missouri senate candidate todd akin's campaign is growing with the help of one famous family the duggars. michele and jim bob along with many of their 19 children, will join akin on the campaign trail today before branching out on their own. "the daily show's" jon stewart still getting a couple chuckles from the vice presidential debate and that's no malarkey. >> with all due respect that's a bunch of malarkey. >> with all due respect, that's a bunch of milalarkemalarkey.
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that's such a weird combination of gangster and old-timy irish colloquialism, like good fellas meets "the quiet man." hey, now, with all due respect, that's a bunch of milalarkemala. >> that wraps up things for me. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 11:00 eastern joining the show tomorrow, journalist carole simpson who moderated a town hall style debate in 1992, first one, megan mccain, ron reagan win join us and "washington post" glen kessler fact checking with tonight's debatep. "now" with alex wagner is next. alex, no malarkey, right? >> all malarkey. on this hour. richard, it is halftime in america at the debates as president obama hopes for an act two rebound, governor romney hopes to build on the big mo. will the delayed 47% strategy work and what can we expect from
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mitt unplugged? we will ask the governor's former massachusetts opponent about the town hall skills. and the sting, we will talk with planned parenthood cecil richards about the undercover operation targeting women's groups, all that when "now" starts in a mere 180 seconds. ♪ keys, keys, keys, keys, keys. ♪ well, he's not very handsome ♪ to look at [ sighs ] ♪ oh, he's shaggy ♪ and he eats like a hog [ male announcer ] the volkswagen jetta. available with advanced keyless technology. control everything from your pocket, purse, or wherever. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ that dirty, old egg-suckin' dog ♪
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what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone's ready with the know how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ t minus nine hours until presidential debate number two. and the thing at the top of each candidate's mind, split screens. it's tuesday, october 16th, and this is "now." >> joining me today, bloomberg business week senior national correspondent josh